Zoning & massing; The site at 919 Pine Street falls under the DMC (Downtown Mixed Commercial) 340/290-440 zoning district. For office use, the building is limited to 340' in height. Residential use can extend to 440', and 484' (+10%) if the floor plates above 440' are <9,000 SF. Additionally, the building is limited to 80% lot frontage on the side facing 9th Avenue. Taking into consideration these restrictions, the building is divided into three zones; office, communal amenities, and hotel. The upper levels of the building are narrow and arced outward toward Seattle's waterfront, giving each room an equally stunning view of the skyline. The tower's base takes up the majority of the site at ground level and blends seamlessly into the hotel floors above. Dividing the two halves of the tower is an open-plan product testing space with operable doors. Above that, a dining hall floor and exterior terrace serve both the office and hotel components of the building.